Sara Bals — ICTMS Committee Dep of Applied Maths Australian National University

Sara Bals

EMAT-University of Antwerp, N/A, Belgium

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Topic: Electron tomography Sara Bals completed her PhD at the University of Antwerp after which she undertook postdoctoral research at NCEM (National Center for Electron Microscopy) at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory before returning to Antwerp. She is now a Professor at EMAT (Electron microscopy for materials science) in the department of Physics. Her main research interest consists of the application and further development of electron tomography for advanced nano-structured materials including: Atomic resolution electron tomography; Quantitative electron tomography; Study of nanoparticles and ultra small clusters using aberration corrected (S)TEM; Exit wave reconstruction; Interfaces between soft and hard matter. Sara has over 270 publications in international journals and in 2013 she received an ERC Starting Grant entitled "Colouring Atoms in 3 Dimensions".